The book of Mark: The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as written by a believer named Mark
Mark shows us a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. It begins with how John baptized the Lord Jesus in water, and it ends with Jesus’ death and how he rose from death.
John the Baptist prepares the way for the Messiah | John baptizes Jesus with water | The Devil tests Jesus | Jesus calls his first disciples | Jesus casts out an evil demon | Jesus heals the mother-in-law of Peter | Jesus heals someone sick with leprosy | Jesus heals a crippled man | Jesus calls Levi | A question about fasting | What is permissible on Saturday | Jesus heals a man on the Saturday of worship | Many people follow Jesus | Jesus chose twelve apostles | Jesus confronts those who are against him | The parable of the sower | The meaning of the parable of the sower | The parable of the lamp | The parable of the growing seed | The parable of the mustard plant | Jesus calms the sea | A demon-possessed man in the land of the Gerasenes | Jesus heals the daughter of Jairus | They run Jesus out of his city | Jesus sends out the apostles to preach | The death of John the Baptist | Jesus feeds five thousand men | Jesus walks on the waves of the sea | Jesus heals many people in the region of Gennesaret | Traditions that didn’t come from God | The faith of a woman of Canaan | Jesus heals a deaf person | Jesus feeds four thousand people | People do not understand the miracles of the Lord Jesus | Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida | Peter testifies about the Messiah | Jesus speaks of his death | Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus | Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy | Who is the greatest? | Faith and sin | Divorce according to what Jesus says | Jesus blesses the little children | The man who is rich | Jesus speaks again about his death | The request of the sons of Zebedee | Jesus heals Bartimaeus who is blind | Jesus enters on a donkey into Jerusalem | The fig tree that dried up | Jesus in the great temple of the Jews | The meaning of the fig tree that dried up | The authority of Jesus | The parable of the evil sharecroppers | The tax of Caesar | Jesus preaches about eternal life | The great command | The Messiah is the master of David | Hypocrites | A widow gives an offering greater than the rich | The signs of the end of the world | A woman anoints Jesus with perfume | The supper of the great Feast of the Jews | Jesus speaks about Peter’s Denial | Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives | The Jews and Romans arrest Jesus | Jesus before the rulers of the Jews | Peter denies Jesus | They bring Jesus to crucify him | They bring Jesus to crucify him | Jesus died | They bury Jesus | Jesus rose from death | Jesus is taken up to heaven