The first letter of the apostle Paul to the believers of the Corinthians
What does it mean to be a ‘church’? What does it mean to be a ‘temple’?
In the first letter of the Apostle Paul to the believers in Corinth God says,
“Or do you no know that your body is the temple of the holy Spirit who lives in you? Well you have this Spirit from God. You do not rule over yourselves because you were bought for a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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- 1:1-9The Apostle Paul greets the church in Corinth
- 1:10-17The believers in Corinth have divisions among them
- 1:18-31Christ is the wisdom and power of God
- 2:1-5The Apostle Paul preaches Christ crucified
- 2:6-16The wisdom which comes from the Spirit of God
- 3:1-23Division in the Church
- 4:1-21The work of the apostles
- 5:1-13Evil in the church
- 6:1-11Disputes among the believers
- 6:12-20Flee from fornication
- 7:1-40The Apostle Paul commands believers about marriage
- 8:1-13Meat presented to idols
- 9:1-27The right for a wage for those who lead believers
- 10:1-22The stubbornness of Israel is an example to us
- 10:23-33The freedom of believers
- 11:1-16Believers (female) in worship
- 11:17-34The supper of our Lord
- 12:1-11The Holy Spirit gives powers to the believers
- 12:12-31All of us are one body in Christ
- 13:1-13The way that is higher than all
- 14:1-25Two spiritual powers that aren't understood well
- 14:26-40The system that there is in worship in the church
- 15:1-11The resurrection of Christ
- 15:12-34The resurrection of the dead
- 15:35-58That body we will have in the resurrection
- 16:1-4Alms for the saints in the city of Jerusalem
- 16:5-18The Apostle Paul and those who serve our Lord with him
- 16:19-24The conclusion of this letter
The Apostle Paul greets the church in Corinth | The believers in Corinth have divisions among them | Christ is the wisdom and power of God | The Apostle Paul preaches Christ crucified | The wisdom which comes from the Spirit of God | Division in the Church | The work of the apostles | Evil in the church | Disputes among the believers | Flee from fornication | The Apostle Paul commands believers about marriage | Meat presented to idols | The right for a wage for those who lead believers | The stubbornness of Israel is an example to us | The freedom of believers | Believers (female) in worship | The supper of our Lord | The Holy Spirit gives powers to the believers | All of us are one body in Christ | The way that is higher than all | Two spiritual powers that aren't understood well | The system that there is in worship in the church | The resurrection of Christ | The resurrection of the dead | That body we will have in the resurrection | Alms for the saints in the city of Jerusalem | The Apostle Paul and those who serve our Lord with him | The conclusion of this letter